Human Superpowers

Human Superpowers are your skills, knowledge, experiences and talents. This includes your ability to find the knowledge and resources you need to achieve your goals. This superpower is related to your education, physical and mental health, personal qualities, knowledge from lived experience and leadership capabilities.

Human Superpowers often involve:

  • Access to different forms of education
  • Knowledge and wisdom from lived experience
  • Leadership skills
  • Self-care
  • Mental health and resilience
  • Volunteering
  • Creative skills
  • Technological skills
Human Superpowers

Climate change is a complicated problem. To tackle it, we need all sorts of people working on all sorts of actions, big and small.

By taking on one (or more!) of these climate actions, you can use your Climate Superpowers as an agent of change at home, your community and beyond. Each action will also help your superpowers grow even stronger!

So, how do want to use your superpowers today?

In these pages, you’ll find ideas, tips, and resources to help you with your chosen actions. We’ll suggest special actions that we think you’d ace, based on your superpowers.

When you complete an action, you can return here and share notes with other young people who are about to take on a similar action in their own lives. Let’s dive in!

Start by choosing which type of action you’d like to explore first:

​Use Your Human Superpowers to Learn About Climate Change

Gain the knowledge  you need by making the most of your individual skills and talents. .

You can choose to focus on any topic you like, including how to strengthen your Human Superpower even more by learning about improving your mental health and leadership capabilities. You are the expert on what interests you and how you learn, so trust your intuition.

Learn about eco-anxiety and solastalgia, and how young people can deal with it.

People around the world are coming up with great solutions to climate-related problems every day! Do some research to find out about one solution you didn’t already know about.

Read about climate leadership from young activists like Greta Thunberg’s The Climate Book or watch the Fridays for Future collection of speeches by young environmentalists from around the world. Or check out this cool interactive timeline of Greta’s work!

Find one new opportunity to help you learn more facts about climate change. E.g. read a book, watch a documentary, take a subject at uni, or choose a project at school.

Use Your Human Superpowers in Everyday Life

Human Superpowers give you the ability to help yourself and others in your journeys to climate action. Make the most of your unique resources and skills (education, physical and mental health, personal qualities, knowledge from lived experience and leadership capabilities) to make small changes in your life and the world around you.

Support a friend who is feeling down or anxious about climate change.

Support young activists on social media by following them, liking their content, and writing positive comments.

Educate others by sharing your lived experience of coping with climate impacts like flooding, fire or drought – only if you want to talk about it, of course.

Congratulate and do something nice for someone you know who has done something positive for climate action.

Use Your Human Superpowers for Self-care

Your Human Superpowers can help you practice self-care by making the most of your knowledge, physical and mental health, personal qualities, experiences and leadership capabilities.

Cook a nice treat for yourself and that is healthy and sustainable.

Check out this delicious list of recipes for sustainable snacks by WWC UK and tips on how to eat more sustainably.

Save some time now, tomorrow or this week for your hobbies.

Cultivate healthy habits: make sure you get enough sleep, a balanced diet, and physical activity.

Know your strengths, set realistic boundaries, and ask for help when you need it. Not even Greta Thunberg works alone.

Make a list of the everyday choices you already make (or could easily start to make) that play a small part in climate action.

Use Your Human Superpowers to Transform Society

Human Superpowers include things like your education, physical and mental health, personal qualities, time and effort, knowledge from lived experience and leadership capabilities. You can use these to become an advocate and a communicator for climate action.

Join a citizen science project in your community.

What is citizen science?

You can help researchers collect and analyse data, by contributing to a ‘citizen science’ project. Many citizen science projects aim to protect and preserve nature and wildlife. The Wildlife Spotter project led by Digivol offers everyone the opportunity to help researchers look for animals in wilderness photos from around Australia. And it’s completely online! There are lots of other citizen science opportunities, depending on your interests. See what you can find online, or as a parent, teacher or friend for help finding something that you can contribute to.

Collaborate with people and organisations on a project that will make your community more sustainable and resilient to climate change.

The Australian Young Climate Coalition can help you become involved in climate action through different initiatives and participate in traning and events.

Kids Giving Back offers opportunities for young people between 6 and 18 years old to volunteer in their communities.

Participate in surveys and consultations about young people’s views on climate change, nationally and internationally.

How have others used their superpowers?
Everyday Actions
Learning Actions
Self-Care Actions
Transforming Society Actions
Transforming Society
Human Superpowers
For me, a strength would be my experience with the Black Saturday Bushfires, and the resilience that I’ve built up, through having that experience, and then working with committees, teams and young people. Using my experiences and knowledge to build resources and projects. My aim is to help other people.
Transforming Society
Human Superpowers
After Black Saturday, in primary school, we started a bushfire program with the CFA and a University. We wanted to educate young children about bushfire resilience. We got nominated for an award.
Human Superpowers
I’ve been in that hole. And I’m like, ‘I can’t do anything.’ It’s really scary, but I guess you’ve just got to tell yourself or talk to somebody about it and see that every little thing you’re doing… by making a choice…. You’re trying at least trying.
Human Superpowers
A few people who know climate change, they know the issues and stuff, but gotten to the point where they’re like, ‘What do I do? There’s no point me even trying. Because I’ve just been told it’s bad, bad, bad.’
It is quite difficult to deal with. Options for people to do something, even if it is a small thing… can pull them out of that hole.
Human Superpowers
I found that learning about climate change can be overwhelming, because it is all very big scale global issues. And then I got stuck, ‘What am I supposed to do about all this really bad stuff happening?’
It’s important with all this information that we kind of break down what they can do, even if it’s something small.
Human Superpowers
I learned about climate change in science class.
Human Superpowers
I had no idea how high the levels of CO2 emissions were until last year, doing a subject at university.
Everyday Actions
Human Superpowers
I lost my holiday house in the bushfires. When I talk to people about that, they say, ‘Oh my god, that’s so real.’
Human Superpowers
I’ve taken quite a few subjects at university and looked at the different perspectives you can take for climate change. I found them all very interesting.