Take action using your superpowers

Climate change is a complicated problem. To tackle it, we need all sorts of people working on all sorts of actions, big and small. 

By taking on one (or more!) of these climate actions, you can use your Climate Superpowers as an agent of change at home, your community and beyond. Each action will also help your superpowers grow even stronger!

So, how do want to use your superpowers today? 

In these pages, you’ll find ideas, tips, and resources to help you with your chosen actions. 

Remember, this is a life journey – do not feel pressured to do everything at once! Keep in mind that your opportunities to act on climate change depend a lot on your circumstances, where you live and your access to different services and resources. The actions you take on (and your answers to the quiz) may also change across time as you grow older, learn new things, and develop other interests.  

When you complete an action, you can return here and share notes with other young people who are about to take on a similar action in their own lives. 

Let’s dive in! Start by choosing which type of action you’d like to explore first.