Transforming Society Actions

Young people are already at the forefront of climate action!

As agents of change, children and young people are advocates and educators for their peers, family, and community. They are also transforming our social values, norms, policies and laws. 

Climate action will look different for each person, depending on your interests, opportunities and superpowers. It can take a while to find the right way for you to get involved in climate action – the best way to figure it out is to try something and see how it goes! Next time, you can do something similar, or something very different. 

Also remember that, to protect the planet, we also need to take care of ourselves. All climate activists need support from others and time to rest. Because of this, we recommend that you also check our Self-care Actions page. 

Self-care Actions

Below, you can find resources and ideas for using your Climate Superpowers to help transform society. Not sure which superpower to start with?

Take the Quiz.

Use Your Social Superpowers to Transform Society

Social Superpowers give you the powerful ability to connect, communicate and collaborate with others.

Use the power of public speaking: talk about climate change in class presentations, school assemblies and rallies. Your voice is powerful!

Join the environmental group at your school/uni/work. If there’s no group yet, you can create one! Ask for tips from young people who are part of existing groups.

Use Your Human Superpowers to Transform Society

Human Superpowers include things like your education, physical and mental health, personal qualities, time and effort, knowledge from lived experience and leadership capabilities. You can use these to become an advocate and a communicator for climate action.

Join a citizen science project in your community.

What is citizen science?

You can help researchers collect and analyse data, by contributing to a ‘citizen science’ project. Many citizen science projects aim to protect and preserve nature and wildlife. The Wildlife Spotter project led by Digivol offers everyone the opportunity to help researchers look for animals in wilderness photos from around Australia. And it’s completely online! There are lots of other citizen science opportunities, depending on your interests. See what you can find online, or as a parent, teacher or friend for help finding something that you can contribute to.

Collaborate with people and organisations on a project that will make your community more sustainable and resilient to climate change.

The Australian Young Climate Coalition can help you become involved in climate action through different initiatives and participate in traning and events.

Kids Giving Back offers opportunities for young people between 6 and 18 years old to volunteer in their communities.

Participate in surveys and consultations about young people’s views on climate change, nationally and internationally.

Use Your Natural Superpowers to Transform Society

Natural Superpowers help us transform our society so that humans can live in harmony with the world around us. They are also necessary to preserve our flora, fauna, water, soil and habitats for future generations.

Avoid products that you know are affecting nature in your country and other parts of the world.

If you are interested in how to buy clothes responsibly, these resources might be useful for you: Navigating Ethical and Sustainable Fashion for Teens by Good on You and Shop Ethical gives advices on different products, including youth fashion

Care for Country. Listen to what First Nations peoples are saying about what Country needs, and help spread those messages to people around you.

Get involved in an organisation that protects and restores the natural environment.

Make a garden with native plants from your area. Tell your Council to do the same in your community’s parks and green areas.

Use Your Political Superpowers to Transform Society

Political Superpowers are key to making social change through more equitable and sustainable laws and policies. Your opportunities to apply your Political Superpowers will depend on your age and circumstances – for example, you cannot vote if you are under 18 years old or attend a Strike 4 Climate if you live very far away from the nearest one – so choose an action that fits for you now.

Send a letter to your MP or talk directly to them.

Climate for Change offers interesting resources and tips on how to engage with your MP on the topic of climate change. Learn how to call or visit your MP, find MP contact details, tips on what you can ask them and more!

Sign or create a petition to support climate action.

Petitions are a valuable and accessible way of making your voice heard by politicians. Here are some useful links for you to get started: How to create or sign an online petition for the Australian Parliament helps you create a petition for your local community, country and globally! You can also find hundreds of petitions to support.

Go to a protest like a School Strike 4 Climate or support them online.

When you vote in an election, support candidates who prioritise climate action.

Support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisations like Seed, Australia’s first Indigenous youth climate network, and other Indigenous peoples around the world.

Use Your Cultural Superpowers to Transform Society

In Australia, our diverse cultural heritage provides us important lessons and wisdom that we need to save the planet. Cultural Superpowers also help us transform society’s values and practices. The following ideas may resonate with you, and you can also reach out to your community for opportunities to express and live your culture while you engage in climate action.

Join or form an art group to create an installation, exhibition, play, podcast etc., that helps raise awareness about climate change.

Support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisations like Seed Mob, Australia’s first Indigenous youth climate network, and other Indigenous peoples around the world.

Some people arrive in Australia as migrants or refugees because of climate change. Support them and the organisations that help them in a way that is respectful of their values and traditions.

More and more people around the world are being displaced by disasters caused by climate change and arrive in Australia as migrants or refugees. You can learn and share information about how children and young people around the world are being forced to leave their homes because of the impacts of climate change in this article by UNICEF

You can also learn about how to support refugees and asylum seekers in Australia with these tips from Save the Children and Red Cross

Not everyone is equally affected by climate change. Help raise awareness of how some people are more affected because of their gender, ethnicity, culture, nationality, socioeconomic status or for having a disability.

Use Your Built Superpowers to Transform Society

Built Superpowers are essential to develop more sustainable homes, cities, energy and technology. Without them, we would not be able to use science and creativity in a way that protects both humans and nature.

Help campaign for fair transitions to clean energy, for example, by supporting online petitions.

Participate in local projects and consultations about the urban planning of your community.

Support initiatives and organisations that promote fair access to clean water for communities in Australia and the rest of the world.

Ask your council to provide green bins so your food and garden organic waste can be composted, rather than going to landfill. This is single most effective way that local councils can reduce carbon emissions from waste quickly.

Use Your Financial Superpowers to Transform Society

When it comes to transforming society, Financial Superpowers can help us do something about climate change in a way that is fair and equitable for everyone. Financial Superpowers are key to transform our economy so that we can protect both the planet and the wellbeing of people all around the world, independently of age, ethnicity, nationality or occupation.  For example, without Financial Superpowers, we would not be able to carry out a fair transition to clean energy.

Your Financial Superpowers are largely influenced by your age and context. Explore the following actions as well as other opportunities to find which option is the best for you.

Support organisations that work on climate justice, using whatever resources you have – whether that is your time, money, networks or skills.

Volunteer, fundraise for or donate to an organisations that is taking climate action.

Support communities that have been affected by increasing number and severity of natural disasters caused by climate change. – in Australia, or overseas.