Introductory lesson(s)

Teachers, students and researchers have co-developed a set of resources to help introduce students to their climate superpowers in a classroom context.

Teachers can download the following resources:

More information on how these activities support delivery of the curriculum can be found on the Curriculum alignment page.

You might choose to run a single session of as little as 15 minutes, or a longer lesson/multiple lessons. The below chart shows the suggested set of core activities, with optional extras so you can choose what’s most suitable for your teaching.

Learning Flow Chart showing activities in sections 'Tune in', 'Find out' (core), 'Check in', 'Going further' and 'Follow up'.

A note on year level, context, and ongoing work

The lesson plan has been primarily developed with Year 10 students in mind, since many of the activities are based on those that students at teachers at a Melbourne high school (the Academy of Mary Immaculate) co-developed and piloted in 2023.

However, many of these activities could be applied (and perhaps adapted) with younger or older year levels, or even in settings beyond school classrooms.

The Climate Superpowers team is currently undertaking to further work to extend these resources and pilot them in different schools and year levels. If you would like to get involved in this process at your school, we would love to hear from you – Contact us.