Your Climate Superpowers Self-care Missions

As a teacher, has climate change affected your wellbeing in any way?

Would you be willing to share your experiences through an interview with researchers at the University of Melbourne, and help shape resources to support both teachers and students?

The interview would take about 1 hour, with a $50 gift card (redeemable in store in Australia only) as thanks for your time.

Primary and secondary school teachers in Australia can find out more and register interest here.

This project builds on the Climate Superpowers website – which was co-designed with and for young people – where people can take a quiz to find out about their climate superpowers, then explore over 100 ways they can use these strengths for learning about climate change, everyday action, transforming society and self-care.

It will add to the recently-released set of Climate Superpowers classroom resources, and create resources focusing on teacher wellbeing.

The aim is to better support teachers through climate change challenges, which may relate to:

  • students’ thoughts and feelings on climate change;
  • teachers’ own thoughts and feelings on climate;
  • possible tensions within school communities;
  • systemic and resourcing issues;
  • environmental events such as bushfires or floods.